36 - (Japan) Report of activities for conventional and archival tagging of southern bluefin tuna by Japan in 2005/2006 and proposal of tagging in 2006/2007: Itoh, Takahashi, Kurota and Oshitani 36 - (Japan) Report of activities for conventional and archival tagging of southern bluefin tuna by Japan in 2005/2006 and proposal of tagging in 2006/2007: Itoh, Takahashi, Kurota and Oshitani の続きを見る
35 - (Japan) Activities of otolith collection and age estimation and analysis of the age data by Japan in 2005: Itoh, Hirai and Omote 35 - (Japan) Activities of otolith collection and age estimation and analysis of the age data by Japan in 2005: Itoh, Hirai and Omote の続きを見る
34 - (Japan) Report of Japanese scientific observer activities for southern bluefin tuna fishery in 2005: Itoh, Narisawa and Tanabe 34 - (Japan) Report of Japanese scientific observer activities for southern bluefin tuna fishery in 2005: Itoh, Narisawa and Tanabe の続きを見る
32 - (Australia) Preparation of the BRS component of Australia’s data submission for 2006: P. Sahlquist, P. Hobsbawn, K. McLoughlin 32 - (Australia) Preparation of the BRS component of Australia’s data submission for 2006: P. Sahlquist, P. Hobsbawn, K. McLoughlin の続きを見る
28 - (Australia) Comparison of East-West Movements of Archival Tagged Southern Bluefin Tuna in the 1990s and early 2000s: Polacheck, Hobday, West, Bestley and Gunn 28 - (Australia) Comparison of East-West Movements of Archival Tagged Southern Bluefin Tuna in the 1990s and early 2000s: Polacheck, Hobday, West, Bestley and Gunn の続きを見る
27 - (Australia) The Status of Cited Working Papers and Attachment 3 from Working Paper 1 from the 2005 Extended Scientific Committee Meeting: Polacheck, Basson, Kolody and Hartog 27 - (Australia) The Status of Cited Working Papers and Attachment 3 from Working Paper 1 from the 2005 Extended Scientific Committee Meeting: Polacheck, Basson, Kolody and Hartog の続きを見る
26 - (Australia) Consideration of requirements for monitoring and data validation for stock assessment and management procedures in light of independent catch reviews: C. Davies, T. Polacheck, J. Hender, J. Findlay 26 - (Australia) Consideration of requirements for monitoring and data validation for stock assessment and management procedures in light of independent catch reviews: C. Davies, T. Polacheck, J. Hender, J. Findlay の続きを見る
23 - (Australia) Increased growth rates of juvenile SBT in recent years (1990s to present): Eveson, Polacheck and Farley 23 - (Australia) Increased growth rates of juvenile SBT in recent years (1990s to present): Eveson, Polacheck and Farley の続きを見る
22 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of juvenile and adult SBT as part of Australia's contributions to the CCSBT SRP in 2005-06: Polacheck and Gunn 22 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of juvenile and adult SBT as part of Australia's contributions to the CCSBT SRP in 2005-06: Polacheck and Gunn の続きを見る
21 - (Australia) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project-2006: Polacheck, Chang, Hobday and West 21 - (Australia) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project-2006: Polacheck, Chang, Hobday and West の続きを見る