46 - (Taiwan) CPUE standardization of southern bluefine tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fishery 46 - (Taiwan) CPUE standardization of southern bluefine tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fishery の続きを見る
45 - (Japan) Analyses of genetic stock structure of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using nuclear DNA variation: Nakadate, Suzuki, Itoh, Kurota, Tsuji and Chow 45 - (Japan) Analyses of genetic stock structure of the southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using nuclear DNA variation: Nakadate, Suzuki, Itoh, Kurota, Tsuji and Chow の続きを見る
44 - (Japan) Matters arise from changing of Japanese fishery regulation: Itoh 44 - (Japan) Matters arise from changing of Japanese fishery regulation: Itoh の続きを見る
43 - (Japan) Some Considerations of SRP tagging program: Takahashi and Kurota 43 - (Japan) Some Considerations of SRP tagging program: Takahashi and Kurota の続きを見る
42 - (Japan) SBT Stock Assessment and Projection under Overcatch Scenarios Using 42 - (Japan) SBT Stock Assessment and Projection under Overcatch Scenarios Using の続きを見る
41 - (Japan) Report of the 2005/2006 RMA utilization and application for the 2006/2007 RMA: Fisheries Agency of Japan 41 - (Japan) Report of the 2005/2006 RMA utilization and application for the 2006/2007 RMA: Fisheries Agency of Japan の続きを見る
40 - (Japan) Summary of fisheries indicators in 2006: Takahashi and Itoh 40 - (Japan) Summary of fisheries indicators in 2006: Takahashi and Itoh の続きを見る
39 - (Japan) CPUE comparison of Japanese longline vessels between with observed and without observer: Sakai and Itoh 39 - (Japan) CPUE comparison of Japanese longline vessels between with observed and without observer: Sakai and Itoh の続きを見る
38 - (Japan) Report on the piston-line trolling survey in 2005/2006: Fisheries Agency of Japan: Itoh and Kurota 38 - (Japan) Report on the piston-line trolling survey in 2005/2006: Fisheries Agency of Japan: Itoh and Kurota の続きを見る
37 - (Japan) Acoustic Index of age one southern bluefin tuna abundance by the acoustic survey in 2005/2006: Itoh 37 - (Japan) Acoustic Index of age one southern bluefin tuna abundance by the acoustic survey in 2005/2006: Itoh の続きを見る