07 - (New Zealand) Incidental capture of seabirds in fishing for southern bluefin tuna in the New Zealand waters in 2003 and 2004.: Susan Waugh and Darryl MacKenzie 07 - (New Zealand) Incidental capture of seabirds in fishing for southern bluefin tuna in the New Zealand waters in 2003 and 2004.: Susan Waugh and Darryl MacKenzie の続きを見る
06 - (New Zealand) Fish bycatch in the New Zealand’s southern bluefin tuna longline fsheries, 2002 – 03and 2003 - 04.: Ministry of Fisheries 06 - (New Zealand) Fish bycatch in the New Zealand’s southern bluefin tuna longline fsheries, 2002 – 03and 2003 - 04.: Ministry of Fisheries の続きを見る
05 - (Australia) The impact of pelagic longline fishing on the flesh-footed shearwater Puffinus carneipes in Eastern Australia.: Baker, B. and Wise, B. 05 - (Australia) The impact of pelagic longline fishing on the flesh-footed shearwater Puffinus carneipes in Eastern Australia.: Baker, B. and Wise, B. の続きを見る
04 - (Australia) Review of international instruments relevant to ecologically related species data requirements and recommendations for sharks and seabirds.: Stewardson, C., Findlay, J. and Bensley, N. 04 - (Australia) Review of international instruments relevant to ecologically related species data requirements and recommendations for sharks and seabirds.: Stewardson, C., Findlay, J. and Bensley, N. の続きを見る