17 - (Taiwan) Preliminary Summary Report on Incidental- and By-Catches in the Southern Region from Taiwanese Observer Data of 2002-2004. Wang, S.P., S.K. Chang, and J.P. Tai 17 - (Taiwan) Preliminary Summary Report on Incidental- and By-Catches in the Southern Region from Taiwanese Observer Data of 2002-2004. Wang, S.P., S.K. Chang, and J.P. Tai の続きを見る
16 - (Japan) Tag and release of the pelagic shark species in the SBT fishery, 1998-2005: Matsunaga, H. 16 - (Japan) Tag and release of the pelagic shark species in the SBT fishery, 1998-2005: Matsunaga, H. の続きを見る
15 - (Japan) Update of standardized CPUE for the main pelagic shark species dominated in the SBT fishery, 1992-2004.: Matsunaga, H. 15 - (Japan) Update of standardized CPUE for the main pelagic shark species dominated in the SBT fishery, 1992-2004.: Matsunaga, H. の続きを見る
14 - (Japan) Guidance, extension and educational activities for mitigating interactions with ecologically related species in longline fishery. 14 - (Japan) Guidance, extension and educational activities for mitigating interactions with ecologically related species in longline fishery. の続きを見る
13 - (Japan) Third International Fishers Forum held in Yokohama, Japan, 2005.: Minami, H. 13 - (Japan) Third International Fishers Forum held in Yokohama, Japan, 2005.: Minami, H. の続きを見る
12 - (Japan) Update of stomach contents analysis of southern bluefin tuna and by-catch species caught by longline. Itoh, T. 12 - (Japan) Update of stomach contents analysis of southern bluefin tuna and by-catch species caught by longline. Itoh, T. の続きを見る
11 - (Japan) Influence of blue-dyed bait on catch rates of seabirds and tuna species in the experimental operations of the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline.: Minami, H. and Kiyota, M. 11 - (Japan) Influence of blue-dyed bait on catch rates of seabirds and tuna species in the experimental operations of the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline.: Minami, H. and Kiyota, M. の続きを見る
10 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental take of seabirds in the Japanese southern bulefin tuna longline fishery in 2003-3004.: Kiyota, M. and Takeuchi, Y. 10 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental take of seabirds in the Japanese southern bulefin tuna longline fishery in 2003-3004.: Kiyota, M. and Takeuchi, Y. の続きを見る
09 - (New Zealand) A review of methodologies aimed at avoiding and/or mitigation incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries.: Leigh Bull 09 - (New Zealand) A review of methodologies aimed at avoiding and/or mitigation incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries.: Leigh Bull の続きを見る
08 - (New Zealand) Preliminary analysis of diet of nine fish species including southern bluefin tuna and ecologically related species.: Ministry of Fisheries 08 - (New Zealand) Preliminary analysis of diet of nine fish species including southern bluefin tuna and ecologically related species.: Ministry of Fisheries の続きを見る