25 - (Australia) Commercial spotting in the Australian surface fishery, updated to include the 2007/8 fishing season. Farley, J., and Basson, M. 25 - (Australia) Commercial spotting in the Australian surface fishery, updated to include the 2007/8 fishing season. Farley, J., and Basson, M. の続きを見る
24 - (Australia) The aerial survey index of abundance: updated analysis methods and results. Eveson, P., Bravington, M., and Farley, J. 24 - (Australia) The aerial survey index of abundance: updated analysis methods and results. Eveson, P., Bravington, M., and Farley, J. の続きを見る
23 - (Australia) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project – 2008. Polacheck, T., Chang, K.S., Hobday, A., West, G., Eveson, P., and Chung, K.N. 23 - (Australia) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project – 2008. Polacheck, T., Chang, K.S., Hobday, A., West, G., Eveson, P., and Chung, K.N. の続きを見る
22 - (Australia) Analyses of tag return data from the CCSBT SRP tagging program - 2008. Eveson, P., and Polacheck, T. 22 - (Australia) Analyses of tag return data from the CCSBT SRP tagging program - 2008. Eveson, P., and Polacheck, T. の続きを見る
21 - (Australia) Estimates of reporting rate from the Australian surface fishery based on previous tag seeding experiments and tag seeding activities in 2007/2008. Hearn, B., Polacheck, T., and Stanley, S. 21 - (Australia) Estimates of reporting rate from the Australian surface fishery based on previous tag seeding experiments and tag seeding activities in 2007/2008. Hearn, B., Polacheck, T., and Stanley, S. の続きを見る
20 - (Australia) A summary of progress with a trial observer program for Indonesia’s tuna longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. Sadiyah, L., Andamari, R., Prisantoso, B.I., Proctor, C., and Retnowati, D. 20 - (Australia) A summary of progress with a trial observer program for Indonesia’s tuna longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. Sadiyah, L., Andamari, R., Prisantoso, B.I., Proctor, C., and Retnowati, D. の続きを見る
19 - (Australia) Choice, use and reliability of historic CPUE. Davies, C., Lawrence, E., Basson, M., , and Preece, A. 19 - (Australia) Choice, use and reliability of historic CPUE. Davies, C., Lawrence, E., Basson, M., , and Preece, A. の続きを見る
18 - (Australia) The catch of SBT by the Indonesian longline fishery operating out of Benoa, Bali in 2007. Prisantoso, B.I., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C. 18 - (Australia) The catch of SBT by the Indonesian longline fishery operating out of Benoa, Bali in 2007. Prisantoso, B.I., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C. の続きを見る
17 - (Australia) Estimating Australia’s Recreational Catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Rowsell, M., Moore, A., and Sahlqvist, P., and Begg, G. 17 - (Australia) Estimating Australia’s Recreational Catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Rowsell, M., Moore, A., and Sahlqvist, P., and Begg, G. の続きを見る
15 - (Australia) Report on the potential of spawning ground surveys. Phillips, K., and Begg, G. 15 - (Australia) Report on the potential of spawning ground surveys. Phillips, K., and Begg, G. の続きを見る