36 - (Japan) Summary of Fisheries Indicators in 2008. Norio TAKAHASHI and Tomoyuki ITOH 36 - (Japan) Summary of Fisheries Indicators in 2008. Norio TAKAHASHI and Tomoyuki ITOH の続きを見る
35 - (Japan) Further examinations of the SBT operating model under overcatch scenarios to select critical uncertainty factors for the update. Hiroyuki Kurota and Doug S Butterworth 35 - (Japan) Further examinations of the SBT operating model under overcatch scenarios to select critical uncertainty factors for the update. Hiroyuki Kurota and Doug S Butterworth の続きを見る
34 - (Japan) Report of activities for conventional and archival tagging and recapture of southern bluefin tuna by Japan in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI and Tomoyuki ITOH 34 - (Japan) Report of activities for conventional and archival tagging and recapture of southern bluefin tuna by Japan in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI and Tomoyuki ITOH の続きを見る
33 - (Japan) Activities of otolith collection and age estimation and analysis of the age data by Japan in 2007. Tomoyuki ITOH, Akio HIRAI and Kenichiro OMOTE 33 - (Japan) Activities of otolith collection and age estimation and analysis of the age data by Japan in 2007. Tomoyuki ITOH, Akio HIRAI and Kenichiro OMOTE の続きを見る
32 - (Japan) Report of Japanese scientific observer activities for southern bluefin tuna fishery in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI, Tomoyuki ITOH, Shingo Fukui and Toshiyuki TANABE 32 - (Japan) Report of Japanese scientific observer activities for southern bluefin tuna fishery in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI, Tomoyuki ITOH, Shingo Fukui and Toshiyuki TANABE の続きを見る
31 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of adult SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to the CCSBT SRP in 2008/09. Evans, K., and Davies, C. 31 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of adult SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to the CCSBT SRP in 2008/09. Evans, K., and Davies, C. の続きを見る
30 - (Australia) The potential use of indicators as a basis for management advice in the short term. Basson, M., and Davies, C. 30 - (Australia) The potential use of indicators as a basis for management advice in the short term. Basson, M., and Davies, C. の続きを見る
27 - (Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch. Farley, J., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C. 27 - (Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch. Farley, J., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C. の続きを見る
29 - (Australia) Update on SBT close-kin abundance estimation, 2008. Bravington, M., and Grewe, P. 29 - (Australia) Update on SBT close-kin abundance estimation, 2008. Bravington, M., and Grewe, P. の続きを見る
26 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length-at-age in the Australian surface fishery. Farley, J., and Clear, N. 26 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length-at-age in the Australian surface fishery. Farley, J., and Clear, N. の続きを見る