第17回科学委員会会合(拡大科学委員会を含む) 第17回科学委員会会合(拡大科学委員会を含む) の続きを見る Meeting Date and Location Field (computed) 26 - 30 8月 2012 - Tokyo, Japan
24 - (Australia) Strategic Research Plan: Summary of progress since 2007 review and potential directions for future collaborative activities 24 - (Australia) Strategic Research Plan: Summary of progress since 2007 review and potential directions for future collaborative activities の続きを見る
12 - (Taiwan) CPUE analysis for southern bluefin tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fleet 12 - (Taiwan) CPUE analysis for southern bluefin tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fleet の続きを見る
43 - (Panel) Using General Linear Models of SBT CPUE-at-age data to investigate changes in catchability with age and time (John Pope) 43 - (Panel) Using General Linear Models of SBT CPUE-at-age data to investigate changes in catchability with age and time (John Pope) の続きを見る
41 - (日本) メタルール発動の観点から見たOM 予測の現実性チェックおよび 次回のTAC を計算するに当たっての留意点 41 - (日本) メタルール発動の観点から見たOM 予測の現実性チェックおよび 次回のTAC を計算するに当たっての留意点 の続きを見る
42 - (Japan) Comparison between “ST windows” index and Core vessels CPUE indices by different Area/month combinations 42 - (Japan) Comparison between “ST windows” index and Core vessels CPUE indices by different Area/month combinations の続きを見る
21 - (Australia) Initial exploration of options for inclusion of close-kin data into the SBT operating model 21 - (Australia) Initial exploration of options for inclusion of close-kin data into the SBT operating model の続きを見る