BGD 01 - (Japan) Draft Recommendation to the Extended Commission on interactions between ecologically related species with surface fisheries including SBT farming activities BGD 01 - (Japan) Draft Recommendation to the Extended Commission on interactions between ecologically related species with surface fisheries including SBT farming activities の続きを見る
28 - (Japan) Guidance, extension and educational activities for reducing bycatch in longline fishery 28 - (Japan) Guidance, extension and educational activities for reducing bycatch in longline fishery の続きを見る
27 - (Japan) Improvement of bycatch data quality of Japanese scientific observer program 27 - (Japan) Improvement of bycatch data quality of Japanese scientific observer program の続きを見る
26 - (Japan) Diet of young southern bluefin tuna in the southwestern coastal waters of Australia in summer 26 - (Japan) Diet of young southern bluefin tuna in the southwestern coastal waters of Australia in summer の続きを見る
25 - (Japan) Japanese activities on conservation and management of leatherback turtles in the West Papua, Indonesia 25 - (Japan) Japanese activities on conservation and management of leatherback turtles in the West Papua, Indonesia の続きを見る
24 - (Japan) Distribution and temporal trend of standardized CPUE of porbeagle in the Southern Hemisphere from Japanese research and logbook data 24 - (Japan) Distribution and temporal trend of standardized CPUE of porbeagle in the Southern Hemisphere from Japanese research and logbook data の続きを見る
23 (Rev.1) - (Japan) Tag and release of the pelagic shark species caught in the SBT longline fishery, 1998-2010 23 (Rev.1) - (Japan) Tag and release of the pelagic shark species caught in the SBT longline fishery, 1998-2010 の続きを見る
22 - (Japan) Standardized CPUE for the main pelagic shark species caught in the SBT longline fishery 22 - (Japan) Standardized CPUE for the main pelagic shark species caught in the SBT longline fishery の続きを見る
21 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental catch of seabirds in the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline fishery in 2008-2010 21 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental catch of seabirds in the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline fishery in 2008-2010 の続きを見る
20 - (Japan) Review of international situation relevant to the ERS 20 - (Japan) Review of international situation relevant to the ERS の続きを見る