INFO 01 - (Australia) Estimating relative per capita SBT egg production as a replacement for SSB (和文) INFO 01 - (Australia) Estimating relative per capita SBT egg production as a replacement for SSB (和文) の続きを見る
15 - (Advisory Panel) Overview of Progress with Management Procedures 15 - (Advisory Panel) Overview of Progress with Management Procedures の続きを見る
14 - (Advisory Panel) Management Prodecures for SBT 14 - (Advisory Panel) Management Prodecures for SBT の続きを見る
13 - (Fishing Entity of Taiwan) The first stage trial of performance statistics of initial candidate management procedures for southern bluefin tuna of CCSBT. S.H.Wang, M.H.Chen, C.L.Kuo. 13 - (Fishing Entity of Taiwan) The first stage trial of performance statistics of initial candidate management procedures for southern bluefin tuna of CCSBT. S.H.Wang, M.H.Chen, C.L.Kuo. の続きを見る
12 - (Japan) Some initial investigations of possible Management Procedures for SBT based upon age-aggregated production models. D.S.Butterworth and M.Mori. (和文) 12 - (Japan) Some initial investigations of possible Management Procedures for SBT based upon age-aggregated production models. D.S.Butterworth and M.Mori. (和文) の続きを見る
11 - (Japan) Results of the first exploration of potential Management Procedures based on the CPUE index. S.Tsuji, H.Kurota, N.Takahashi, H.Shono, T.Itoh and K.Hiramatsu, (和文) 11 - (Japan) Results of the first exploration of potential Management Procedures based on the CPUE index. S.Tsuji, H.Kurota, N.Takahashi, H.Shono, T.Itoh and K.Hiramatsu, (和文) の続きを見る
10 - (Australia) SCALIA Simulation-Estimation Study Results Relevant to the CCSBT Management Procedures Development. D. Kolody and P. Jumpannen (和文) 10 - (Australia) SCALIA Simulation-Estimation Study Results Relevant to the CCSBT Management Procedures Development. D. Kolody and P. Jumpannen (和文) の続きを見る
09 - (Australia) Additional comments on Operating Model Specifications for Evaluation of SBT Management Procedures. D. Kolody and T. Polacheck (和文) 09 - (Australia) Additional comments on Operating Model Specifications for Evaluation of SBT Management Procedures. D. Kolody and T. Polacheck (和文) の続きを見る
08 - (Australia) Synthesising Performance of Candidate Management Procedures Across Different Operating Model Scenarios. T. Polacheck and D. Kolody (和文) 08 - (Australia) Synthesising Performance of Candidate Management Procedures Across Different Operating Model Scenarios. T. Polacheck and D. Kolody (和文) の続きを見る
07 - (Australia) The Behaviour and Fit of Alternative Operating Model Specification for Testing the Performance of Southern Bluefin Tuna Candidate Management Procedures. T. Polacheck and D. Kolody (和文) 07 - (Australia) The Behaviour and Fit of Alternative Operating Model Specification for Testing the Performance of Southern Bluefin Tuna Candidate Management Procedures. T. Polacheck and D. Kolody (和文) の続きを見る