36 - (Taiwan) Investigation on Taiwanese longline fishing condition of Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Central Indian Ocean and its relationship with ocean temperature variability.: H.J. Lu, K.T. Lee, S.C. Kao, C.H. Cheng and S.K. Chang 36 - (Taiwan) Investigation on Taiwanese longline fishing condition of Southern Bluefin Tuna in the Central Indian Ocean and its relationship with ocean temperature variability.: H.J. Lu, K.T. Lee, S.C. Kao, C.H. Cheng and S.K. Chang の続きを見る
35 - (Taiwan) A preliminary study on the stomach content of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii caught by Taiwanese longliner in the central Indian Ocean.: K.M. Liu, W.K. Chen, S.J. Joung and S.K.Chang 35 - (Taiwan) A preliminary study on the stomach content of southern bluefin tuna Thunnus maccoyii caught by Taiwanese longliner in the central Indian Ocean.: K.M. Liu, W.K. Chen, S.J. Joung and S.K.Chang の続きを見る
34 - (Taiwan) Tracing the life history of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using otolith chemical fingerprints.: C.H. Wang, Y.T. Lin, J.C. Shiao, C.F. You, Y. Iizuka, S.K. Chang and W.N. Tzeng 34 - (Taiwan) Tracing the life history of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using otolith chemical fingerprints.: C.H. Wang, Y.T. Lin, J.C. Shiao, C.F. You, Y. Iizuka, S.K. Chang and W.N. Tzeng の続きを見る
33 - (Taiwan) Age and size composition of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) caught by Taiwanese longliners in the central Indian Ocean.: J.C. Shiao, W.N. Tzeng, Y.T. Lin and S.K. Chang 33 - (Taiwan) Age and size composition of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) caught by Taiwanese longliners in the central Indian Ocean.: J.C. Shiao, W.N. Tzeng, Y.T. Lin and S.K. Chang の続きを見る
32 - (Australia) Updated estimates of growth rates for juvenile SBT using tag-recapture and otolith direct ageing data up to 2005.: P. Eveson, T. Polacheck and J. Farley 32 - (Australia) Updated estimates of growth rates for juvenile SBT using tag-recapture and otolith direct ageing data up to 2005.: P. Eveson, T. Polacheck and J. Farley の続きを見る
31 - (Australia) Proposal for work requiring RMA/SRP allowance.: T. Polacheck, J. Gunn 31 - (Australia) Proposal for work requiring RMA/SRP allowance.: T. Polacheck, J. Gunn の続きを見る
30 - (Australia/Taiwan) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project.: T. Polacheck, S.K. Chang, Chien-Ho Liu, A. Hobday. G. West, J. Gunn 30 - (Australia/Taiwan) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project.: T. Polacheck, S.K. Chang, Chien-Ho Liu, A. Hobday. G. West, J. Gunn の続きを見る
29 - (Australia) Movement and residency of adult SBT in the Tasman Sea and on their spawning grounds south of Indonesia using pop-up archival tags: a summary of results for 2004.: T. Patterson, J. Gunn, K. Evans, T. Carter 29 - (Australia) Movement and residency of adult SBT in the Tasman Sea and on their spawning grounds south of Indonesia using pop-up archival tags: a summary of results for 2004.: T. Patterson, J. Gunn, K. Evans, T. Carter の続きを見る
28 - (Australia) Post-processing of data from the 2005 data exchange.: A. Preece, S. Cooper 28 - (Australia) Post-processing of data from the 2005 data exchange.: A. Preece, S. Cooper の続きを見る
27 - (Australia) A Proposal for Multi-lateral Co-ordination and Co-Operation in Electronic Tag Deployment under the CCSBT Scientific Research Programme.: T. Polacheck, J. Gunn and A. Hobday 27 - (Australia) A Proposal for Multi-lateral Co-ordination and Co-Operation in Electronic Tag Deployment under the CCSBT Scientific Research Programme.: T. Polacheck, J. Gunn and A. Hobday の続きを見る