INFO 05 - (Japan) Southern bluefin tuna recruitment monitoring and tagging program INFO 05 - (Japan) Southern bluefin tuna recruitment monitoring and tagging program の続きを見る
INFO 04 - (Japan) Proceedings of SBT Recruitment Monitoring Review Workshop: The role and constraints of scientific monitoring for stock management - brain storming using southern bluefin tuna experiences as an example INFO 04 - (Japan) Proceedings of SBT Recruitment Monitoring Review Workshop: The role and constraints of scientific monitoring for stock management - brain storming using southern bluefin tuna experiences as an example の続きを見る
INFO 03 - (Australia) Estimation of mortality rates and abundance for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using tag-return and catch data from 1991 to 1997.: J. Paige Eveson, Tom Polacheck and Geoff M. Laslett. Appendix 15 of FRDC Project No. 2002/01 INFO 03 - (Australia) Estimation of mortality rates and abundance for southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) using tag-return and catch data from 1991 to 1997.: J. Paige Eveson, Tom Polacheck and Geoff M. Laslett. Appendix 15 of FRDC Project No. 2002/01 の続きを見る
INFO 01 - (Australia) Investigating the timing of annual growth zones in otoliths of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii).: Naomi P. Clear, J. Paige Eveson and Tom Polacheck. Appendix 11 of Final Report for FRDC Project 1999/104 INFO 01 - (Australia) Investigating the timing of annual growth zones in otoliths of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii).: Naomi P. Clear, J. Paige Eveson and Tom Polacheck. Appendix 11 of Final Report for FRDC Project 1999/104 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2004. T. Itoh and K. Miyauchi SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2004. T. Itoh and K. Miyauchi の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia CCSBT Season Report SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia CCSBT Season Report の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwanese SBT Fishery of 2003/2004 SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwanese SBT Fishery of 2003/2004 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - The New Zealand southern bluefin tune fishery in 2004.: T. Kendrick, T. Murray, S. Harley, and A. Hore SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - The New Zealand southern bluefin tune fishery in 2004.: T. Kendrick, T. Murray, S. Harley, and A. Hore の続きを見る
47 - (Japan) Quick consideration toward future Scientific Research Program under the CCSBT and preferable management actions under low recruitments.: Sachiko TSUJI 47 - (Japan) Quick consideration toward future Scientific Research Program under the CCSBT and preferable management actions under low recruitments.: Sachiko TSUJI の続きを見る