(Australia) Amendments to the CCSBT vessel register (Australia) Amendments to the CCSBT vessel register の続きを見る
27 - (Australia) Implementation of an enhanced CCSBT international observer programme 27 - (Australia) Implementation of an enhanced CCSBT international observer programme の続きを見る
26 - (Australia) Implementation of a centralised vessel monitoring system for the CCSBT 26 - (Australia) Implementation of a centralised vessel monitoring system for the CCSBT の続きを見る
25 - (Australia) DNA sampling proposal for the SBT fishery 25 - (Australia) DNA sampling proposal for the SBT fishery の続きを見る
23 - (Australia) Proposal to convert the CCSBT trade information scheme into a catch documentation system 23 - (Australia) Proposal to convert the CCSBT trade information scheme into a catch documentation system の続きを見る
22 - (Australia) Overview of a proposed new CCSBT compliance framework 22 - (Australia) Overview of a proposed new CCSBT compliance framework の続きを見る
20 - (Secretariat) Confidentiality of Extended Commission Documents (和文) 20 - (Secretariat) Confidentiality of Extended Commission Documents (和文) の続きを見る
18 - (Secretariat) Activities with Other Organisations (和文) 18 - (Secretariat) Activities with Other Organisations (和文) の続きを見る
17 - (Secretariat) Research Mortality Allowance (和文) 17 - (Secretariat) Research Mortality Allowance (和文) の続きを見る