21 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on sharks which are caught in association with SBT fisheries 21 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on sharks which are caught in association with SBT fisheries の続きを見る
20 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on seabirds 20 - (Japan) Draft recommendation to the Extended Commission on seabirds の続きを見る
19 - (Japan) Estimation of fisheries bycatch and risk assessment for short-tailed albatross using a Bayesian state-space model (Hiroshi Okamura, Masashi Kiyota, Hiroyuki Kurota, Toshihide Kitakado) 19 - (Japan) Estimation of fisheries bycatch and risk assessment for short-tailed albatross using a Bayesian state-space model (Hiroshi Okamura, Masashi Kiyota, Hiroyuki Kurota, Toshihide Kitakado) の続きを見る
18 - (Japan) Note on large-scale environmental changes and its possible influence to ecosystems in the Southern Ocean (Mikio Naganobu) 18 - (Japan) Note on large-scale environmental changes and its possible influence to ecosystems in the Southern Ocean (Mikio Naganobu) の続きを見る
17 - (Japan) Japanese research activities on the feeding ecology of southern bluefin tuna and by-catch species caught by Japanese longline (Tomoyuki Itoh) 17 - (Japan) Japanese research activities on the feeding ecology of southern bluefin tuna and by-catch species caught by Japanese longline (Tomoyuki Itoh) の続きを見る
16 - (Japan) Effective factors of tori-poles in reducing incidental catch of albatross in southern bluefin tuna longline fishery (Kosuke Yokota, Hiroshi Minami, Masashi Kiyota) 16 - (Japan) Effective factors of tori-poles in reducing incidental catch of albatross in southern bluefin tuna longline fishery (Kosuke Yokota, Hiroshi Minami, Masashi Kiyota) の続きを見る
15 - (Japan) Comparison of CPUE standardization methods for the main pelagic shark species caught in the high sea SBT longline fishery (Hiroaki Matsunaga, Hiroshi Shono) 15 - (Japan) Comparison of CPUE standardization methods for the main pelagic shark species caught in the high sea SBT longline fishery (Hiroaki Matsunaga, Hiroshi Shono) の続きを見る
14 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental take of seabirds in the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline fishery in 2005 (Masashi Kiyota, Yukio Takeuchi) 14 - (Japan) Estimation of incidental take of seabirds in the Japanese southern bluefin tuna longline fishery in 2005 (Masashi Kiyota, Yukio Takeuchi) の続きを見る
10 - (Australia) Review of International Instruments Relevant to Ecologically Related Species: changes since ERSWG 6 10 - (Australia) Review of International Instruments Relevant to Ecologically Related Species: changes since ERSWG 6 の続きを見る
09 - (Australia and New Zealand) A draft ERS recommendation on measures to ensure the conservation and management and sustainable use of sharks taken in SBT fisheries for discussion at CCSBT-ERS 7 09 - (Australia and New Zealand) A draft ERS recommendation on measures to ensure the conservation and management and sustainable use of sharks taken in SBT fisheries for discussion at CCSBT-ERS 7 の続きを見る