INFO 11 - (ACAP) Outcomes of ACAP’s Seabird Bycatch Working Group Meeting (Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels) INFO 11 - (ACAP) Outcomes of ACAP’s Seabird Bycatch Working Group Meeting (Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels) の続きを見る
INFO 10 - (Taiwan) Application of life history strategies in managing sharks, rays and skates (Xio-Zhen DAI and X.L. HUANG, N.Z. SHI, and I-Hsun NI) INFO 10 - (Taiwan) Application of life history strategies in managing sharks, rays and skates (Xio-Zhen DAI and X.L. HUANG, N.Z. SHI, and I-Hsun NI) の続きを見る
INFO 09 - (Japan) Review of the Japanese RTMP observer program in the high sea waters in 2005 fishing year (Masashi Kiyota, Tomoyuki Itoh) INFO 09 - (Japan) Review of the Japanese RTMP observer program in the high sea waters in 2005 fishing year (Masashi Kiyota, Tomoyuki Itoh) の続きを見る
INFO 07 - (Australia) The implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks – Australia INFO 07 - (Australia) The implementation of the National Plan of Action for the Conservation and Management of Sharks – Australia の続きを見る
INFO 06 - (Australia) Australia's Threat Abatement Plan 2006 for the incidental catch (or bycatch) of seabirds during oceanic longline fishing operations INFO 06 - (Australia) Australia's Threat Abatement Plan 2006 for the incidental catch (or bycatch) of seabirds during oceanic longline fishing operations の続きを見る
INFO 05 - (New Zealand) The development of an NPOA - Sharks in New Zealand. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand INFO 05 - (New Zealand) The development of an NPOA - Sharks in New Zealand. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand の続きを見る
INFO 04 - (New Zealand) The resolution on seabirds agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand INFO 04 - (New Zealand) The resolution on seabirds agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand の続きを見る
INFO 03 - (New Zealand) The resolution on sharks agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand INFO 03 - (New Zealand) The resolution on sharks agreed by the WCPFC in 2006. Delegation of New Zealand の続きを見る
INFO 02 - (New Zealand) A guide for the identification of ERS species in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand INFO 02 - (New Zealand) A guide for the identification of ERS species in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand の続きを見る
INFO 01 - (New Zealand) The development of reporting forms for reporting ERS data in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand INFO 01 - (New Zealand) The development of reporting forms for reporting ERS data in New Zealand fisheries. Ministry of Fisheries, New Zealand の続きを見る