BGD 03 - (Australia) 2002. Commercial aerial spotting for southern bluefin tuna in the Great Australian Bight by fishing season 1982-2000. Klaer, N., Cowling, A. and Polacheck, T. (CCSBT-ESC0209/Info-12) BGD 03 - (Australia) 2002. Commercial aerial spotting for southern bluefin tuna in the Great Australian Bight by fishing season 1982-2000. Klaer, N., Cowling, A. and Polacheck, T. (CCSBT-ESC0209/Info-12) の続きを見る
BGD 01 - (Australia) CCSBT 1999. Australia’s revised proposal for a joint experimental fishing program for Southern Bluefin Tuna. Fourth joint experimental fishing program working group meeting (EFPWG 4) Attachment G. BGD 01 - (Australia) CCSBT 1999. Australia’s revised proposal for a joint experimental fishing program for Southern Bluefin Tuna. Fourth joint experimental fishing program working group meeting (EFPWG 4) Attachment G. の続きを見る
09 - (Japan) Comparison of catch-and-effort data of Japanese longline fishery for southern bluefin tuna between shot-by-shot data and raised data in 5x5 degree and month. Itoh, T. and Shono, H. 09 - (Japan) Comparison of catch-and-effort data of Japanese longline fishery for southern bluefin tuna between shot-by-shot data and raised data in 5x5 degree and month. Itoh, T. and Shono, H. の続きを見る
08 - (Taiwan) An update of CPUE standardization of southern bluefin tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fishery 08 - (Taiwan) An update of CPUE standardization of southern bluefin tuna caught by Taiwanese longline fishery の続きを見る
06 - (Japan) CPUE comparison of Japanese longline vessels between with observer and without observer. Sakai, O. and Shono, H. 06 - (Japan) CPUE comparison of Japanese longline vessels between with observer and without observer. Sakai, O. and Shono, H. の続きを見る
05 - (Japan) Change of operation pattern in Japanese longline fishing for southern bluefin tuna in 2006. Itoh, T 05 - (Japan) Change of operation pattern in Japanese longline fishing for southern bluefin tuna in 2006. Itoh, T の続きを見る
04 - (Japan) Preparation and outline of the data for the 2nd CPUE Modelling Workshop. Sakai, O. and Itoh, T (和文) 04 - (Japan) Preparation and outline of the data for the 2nd CPUE Modelling Workshop. Sakai, O. and Itoh, T (和文) の続きを見る