BGD 01 - (New Zealand) Harvest strategy standard for New Zealand Fisheries (Originally CCSBT-SFMWG/0904/04) BGD 01 - (New Zealand) Harvest strategy standard for New Zealand Fisheries (Originally CCSBT-SFMWG/0904/04) の続きを見る
14 - (EU) European Union compliance Action Plan with CCSBT Conservation and Management Measures 14 - (EU) European Union compliance Action Plan with CCSBT Conservation and Management Measures の続きを見る
13 - (Korea) Korea’s compliance Action Plan for the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna 13 - (Korea) Korea’s compliance Action Plan for the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna の続きを見る
12 - (Indonesia) Action Plan to Comply with Resolution on the Implementation of a CCSBT-CDS 12 - (Indonesia) Action Plan to Comply with Resolution on the Implementation of a CCSBT-CDS の続きを見る
11 - (South Africa) Action Plan to Ensure Compliance with CCSBT Conservation and Management Measures 11 - (South Africa) Action Plan to Ensure Compliance with CCSBT Conservation and Management Measures の続きを見る
10 - (Taiwan) Taiwan’s Action Plan for Implementing the Conservation and Management Measures for Southern Bluefin Tuna 10 - (Taiwan) Taiwan’s Action Plan for Implementing the Conservation and Management Measures for Southern Bluefin Tuna の続きを見る
09 - (Australia) Australia’s compliance action plan for the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna 09 - (Australia) Australia’s compliance action plan for the Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna の続きを見る
07 - (New Zealand) Summary of the work to date of the inter-sessional working group on compliance (和文) 07 - (New Zealand) Summary of the work to date of the inter-sessional working group on compliance (和文) の続きを見る