16 - (New Zealand) Under and overfishing resolution for CCSBT 16 - (New Zealand) Under and overfishing resolution for CCSBT の続きを見る
15 - (New Zealand) Proposed Catch Tracking System for SBT (和文) 15 - (New Zealand) Proposed Catch Tracking System for SBT (和文) の続きを見る
13 - (Australia) Appropriate Bycatch Management Mitigation measures 13 - (Australia) Appropriate Bycatch Management Mitigation measures の続きを見る
07 - (Australia) Transshipment for the SBT fishery 07 - (Australia) Transshipment for the SBT fishery の続きを見る
04 - (Secretariat) Compliance Committee Management Measures (和文) 04 - (Secretariat) Compliance Committee Management Measures (和文) の続きを見る