INFO 02 - (New Zealand) Stages in the process of managing seabird mortality in RFMO fisheries. Waugh, SM 2008 INFO 02 - (New Zealand) Stages in the process of managing seabird mortality in RFMO fisheries. Waugh, SM 2008 の続きを見る
INFO 01 - (New Zealand) CCAMLR process of risk assessment to minimize the effects of longline fishing mortality on seabirds. Waugh SM, Baker GB, Gales R, Croxall JP 2008. INFO 01 - (New Zealand) CCAMLR process of risk assessment to minimize the effects of longline fishing mortality on seabirds. Waugh SM, Baker GB, Gales R, Croxall JP 2008. の続きを見る
BGD 22 - (Japan) (Secretariat) Secretariat Review of Catches (ESC agenda item 4.2) (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/06) BGD 22 - (Japan) (Secretariat) Secretariat Review of Catches (ESC agenda item 4.2) (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/06) の続きを見る
BGD 06 - (Australia) The potential use of indicators as a basis for management advice in the short term. Basson, M., and Davies, C. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/30) BGD 06 - (Australia) The potential use of indicators as a basis for management advice in the short term. Basson, M., and Davies, C. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/30) の続きを見る
BGD 05 - (Australia) Choice, use and reliability of historic CPUE. Davies, C., Lawrence, E., Basson, M., Kolody, D., and Preece, A. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/19) BGD 05 - (Australia) Choice, use and reliability of historic CPUE. Davies, C., Lawrence, E., Basson, M., Kolody, D., and Preece, A. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/19) の続きを見る
BGD 04 - (Australia) Estimating Australia’s Recreational Catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Rowsell, M., Moore, A., and Sahlqvist, P., and Begg, G. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/17) BGD 04 - (Australia) Estimating Australia’s Recreational Catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Rowsell, M., Moore, A., and Sahlqvist, P., and Begg, G. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/17) の続きを見る
BGD 02 - (Australia) Assessing the accuracy and precision of stereo-video and sonar length measurements of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Phillips, K., et. al. BGD 02 - (Australia) Assessing the accuracy and precision of stereo-video and sonar length measurements of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Phillips, K., et. al. の続きを見る
BGD 01 - (Australia) (CPUE Modelling Group) The development of new agreed CPUE series for use in future MP work. Itoh, T., Lawrence, E. and Pope, J.G. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/09) BGD 01 - (Australia) (CPUE Modelling Group) The development of new agreed CPUE series for use in future MP work. Itoh, T., Lawrence, E. and Pope, J.G. (Originally CCSBT-ESC/0809/09) の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (EU) - Report of 2007 SBT Fishery – European Community SBT Fisheries (EU) - Report of 2007 SBT Fishery – European Community の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Indonesia) - Annual Review of Indonesia SBT Fisheries SBT Fisheries (Indonesia) - Annual Review of Indonesia SBT Fisheries の続きを見る