18 - (Australia) Estimates of reporting rates from the Australian surface fishery based on previous tag seeding experiments and tag seeding activities in 2008/2009. Hearn, Eveson, P. 18 - (Australia) Estimates of reporting rates from the Australian surface fishery based on previous tag seeding experiments and tag seeding activities in 2008/2009. Hearn, Eveson, P. の続きを見る
16 - (Australia) Current and future monitoring of Indonesia’s Indian Ocean tuna fishery and SBT catch – Discussion paper. B. Iskandar Prisantoso, R. Andamari, C. Proctor, C. Davies, J. Farley 16 - (Australia) Current and future monitoring of Indonesia’s Indian Ocean tuna fishery and SBT catch – Discussion paper. B. Iskandar Prisantoso, R. Andamari, C. Proctor, C. Davies, J. Farley の続きを見る
(Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch. Farley, J., Andamari, Proctor, C. (Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch. Farley, J., Andamari, Proctor, C. の続きを見る
14 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length-at-age in the Australian surface fishery. Farley, J., Clear, N. 14 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length-at-age in the Australian surface fishery. Farley, J., Clear, N. の続きを見る
13 - (Australia) Commercial spotting in the Australian surface fishery, updated to include the 2008/9 fishing season. Basson, M., Farley, J. 13 - (Australia) Commercial spotting in the Australian surface fishery, updated to include the 2008/9 fishing season. Basson, M., Farley, J. の続きを見る
12 - (Australia) The aerial survey index of abundance: updated analysis methods and results. Eveson, P., Farley, J., Bravington, M. 12 - (Australia) The aerial survey index of abundance: updated analysis methods and results. Eveson, P., Farley, J., Bravington, M. の続きを見る
11 - (Australia) Converting stereo-video length measurements to weight estimates for Australia's surface fishery. Humphries, J., Phillips, K., Rodriguez, V., Begg, G. 11 - (Australia) Converting stereo-video length measurements to weight estimates for Australia's surface fishery. Humphries, J., Phillips, K., Rodriguez, V., Begg, G. の続きを見る
10 - (Australia) Conditioning of the southern bluefin tuna operating model and constant catch projections. Giannini, F., Eveson, P., Davies, C., Barnes, B., Hillary, R., Begg, G. 10 - (Australia) Conditioning of the southern bluefin tuna operating model and constant catch projections. Giannini, F., Eveson, P., Davies, C., Barnes, B., Hillary, R., Begg, G. の続きを見る
09 - (Australia) Japanese market update 2009. Phillips, K., Begg, G. 09 - (Australia) Japanese market update 2009. Phillips, K., Begg, G. の続きを見る
08 - (Australia) Fishery indicators for the southern bluefin tuna stock 2008-09. Phillips, K. 08 - (Australia) Fishery indicators for the southern bluefin tuna stock 2008-09. Phillips, K. の続きを見る