04 - (Secretariat) Secretariat Review of Catches (ESC agenda item 4.2) (和文) 04 - (Secretariat) Secretariat Review of Catches (ESC agenda item 4.2) (和文) の続きを見る
BGD 01 - (Japan) Analysis on age composition of southern bluefin tuna used for farming (Tomoyuki Itoh and Takaaki Sakamoto) BGD 01 - (Japan) Analysis on age composition of southern bluefin tuna used for farming (Tomoyuki Itoh and Takaaki Sakamoto) の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Indonesia) - The Catch of SBT by the Indonesian Longline Fishery Operating Out of Benoa, Bali in 2008 SBT Fisheries (Indonesia) - The Catch of SBT by the Indonesian Longline Fishery Operating Out of Benoa, Bali in 2008 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Korea) - Review of Korean SBT Fishery of 2007~2009 SBT Fisheries (Korea) - Review of Korean SBT Fishery of 2007~2009 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwan SBT Fishery of 2007/2008 SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwan SBT Fishery of 2007/2008 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - Annual Review of National SBT Fisheries for the Scientific Committee. New Zealand 2009 SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - Annual Review of National SBT Fisheries for the Scientific Committee. New Zealand 2009 の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2008 (Osamu Sakai, Tomoyuki Itoh and Takaaki Sakamoto) SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2008 (Osamu Sakai, Tomoyuki Itoh and Takaaki Sakamoto) の続きを見る
SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia's 2007-08 southern bluefin tuna fishing season. Hobsbawn, P.I., Phillips, K., Begg, G. SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia's 2007-08 southern bluefin tuna fishing season. Hobsbawn, P.I., Phillips, K., Begg, G. の続きを見る
42 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic and genetic tagging of SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to scientific research in 2009-10. Karen Evans 42 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic and genetic tagging of SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to scientific research in 2009-10. Karen Evans の続きを見る