INFO 02- (New Zealand) New Zealand action plan to ensure compliance with conservation and management measures (April 2010) (Previously CCSBT- SFMWG/1004/06) INFO 02- (New Zealand) New Zealand action plan to ensure compliance with conservation and management measures (April 2010) (Previously CCSBT- SFMWG/1004/06) の続きを見る
INFO 01 - (Secretariat) Report of the International Workshop on Improvement, Harmonisation and Compatibility of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures, including Monitoring Catches from Catching Vessels to Markets (Barcelona, June 2010) (和文) INFO 01 - (Secretariat) Report of the International Workshop on Improvement, Harmonisation and Compatibility of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Measures, including Monitoring Catches from Catching Vessels to Markets (Barcelona, June 2010) (和文) の続きを見る
BDG 04 - (Japan) Analysis of age composition of southern bluefin tuna used for farming in 2009 (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/21) BDG 04 - (Japan) Analysis of age composition of southern bluefin tuna used for farming in 2009 (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/21) の続きを見る
BGD 02 - (Australia) Scoping study for the development of a CCSBT Regional Observer Program (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/30) BGD 02 - (Australia) Scoping study for the development of a CCSBT Regional Observer Program (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/30) の続きを見る
BGD 01 - (Australia) Data and information requirements for management procedure implementation (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/13) BGD 01 - (Australia) Data and information requirements for management procedure implementation (previously CCSBT-ESC/1009/13) の続きを見る
Compliance Action Plan (South Africa) - South Africa’s CCSBT Compliance Action Plan Compliance Action Plan (South Africa) - South Africa’s CCSBT Compliance Action Plan の続きを見る
Compliance Action Plan (Taiwan) - Taiwan Compliance Action Plan 2010 Compliance Action Plan (Taiwan) - Taiwan Compliance Action Plan 2010 の続きを見る
Compliance Action Plan (New Zealand) - New Zealand Compliance Action Plan 2010 Compliance Action Plan (New Zealand) - New Zealand Compliance Action Plan 2010 の続きを見る
Compliance Action Plan (Korea) - Korea Compliance Action Plan Compliance Action Plan (Korea) - Korea Compliance Action Plan の続きを見る