11 - (Australia) Reconditioning of the southern bluefin tuna operating model: exploratory data analysis, fitting performance, and current stock status 11 - (Australia) Reconditioning of the southern bluefin tuna operating model: exploratory data analysis, fitting performance, and current stock status の続きを見る
12 - (Australia) Updated technical specifications and performance analyses for MP1 12 - (Australia) Updated technical specifications and performance analyses for MP1 の続きを見る
21 - (Australia) Identifying spatial structure of juvenile southern bluefin tuna using otolith microchemistry: initial results from a pilot project 21 - (Australia) Identifying spatial structure of juvenile southern bluefin tuna using otolith microchemistry: initial results from a pilot project の続きを見る
37 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to SBT research in 2012/13 37 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to SBT research in 2012/13 の続きを見る
22 - (オーストラリア) 全世界のミナミマグロマーケット: 既存のマーケット、拡大中のマーケ ット及び新興マーケットの分析のた めの方針 22 - (オーストラリア) 全世界のミナミマグロマーケット: 既存のマーケット、拡大中のマーケ ット及び新興マーケットの分析のた めの方針 の続きを見る
24 - (日本) 2010/2011 年の日本によるミナミマグロ標識放流計画および標識再捕状況 24 - (日本) 2010/2011 年の日本によるミナミマグロ標識放流計画および標識再捕状況 の続きを見る
17 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length at age keys for the Australian surface fishery 17 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length at age keys for the Australian surface fishery の続きを見る