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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Documents From Past Meetings
CCSBT 11 (2004) - ESC of SC 9 (and SAG 5)
CCSBT 11 (2004) - ESC of SC 9 (and SAG 5)
About the Commission
Origins of the Convention
The Commission's Role
Basic Documents
Becoming a Member of the CCSBT
About Southern Bluefin Tuna
Conservation and Management
Total Allowable Catch
Management Procedure
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
Bycatch Mitigation
Operational Resolutions and other Important Documents
Vessels, Farms, and Ports
Designated Ports and Contacts
CCSBT authorised vessels
CCSBT authorised farms
CCSBT active vessels
IUU Vessel lists
Stock Assessment and Science
Latest Stock Assessment
Scientific Process
Ecologically Related Species
SBT Data
Data Submission Requirements
Meeting Schedule
Reports of Past Meetings
Documents From Past Meetings
Attendance by Observers
Annual Reporting & Documentation Requirements
01 - Draft Agenda of 5th SAG
(29 KB)
02 - List of Participants of 5th SAG
(80 KB)
03 - Draft Agenda of the Extended SC for 9th SC
(30.5 KB)
04 - List of Participants of the Extended SC for 9th SC
(71.5 KB)
05 - List of Documents - The Extended SC for 9th SC & 5th SAG
(64.5 KB)
06 - (Secretariat) 4. Review of SBT Fisheries
(223.34 KB)
07 - (Secretariat) 8.1. Characterization of SBT Catch
(76.15 KB)
08 - (Secretariat) 8.4. SBT Tagging Program
(74.59 KB)
09 - (Secretariat) 9. Development of the CCSBT Database
(55.72 KB)
10 - (Secretariat)10. Data Exchange
(85.4 KB)
11 - (Australia) The catch of SBT by the Indonesian longline fishery operating out of Benoa, Bali in 2003.: R. Andamari, D. Retnowati, T.L.O. Davis, M. Herrera, F. Poisson and C.H. Proctor
(159.51 KB)
12 - (Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch on the spawning ground.: Farley, J.H. and Davis, T.L.O
(115.2 KB)
13 - (Australia) An update on Australian Otolith Collection Activities: 2003/04.: Stanley, C. & Polacheck, T.
(40.81 KB)
14 - (Australia) Review of Methods for Estimating Tag Reporting Rates and Their Applicability to SBT Longline Fisheries.: Tom Polacheck, Paige Eveson and Geoff Laslett
(49.92 KB)
15 - (Australia) Update on Tag Seeding Activities and Preliminary estimates of reporting rate from the Australian surface fishery based on tag seeding experiments.: Tom Polacheck and Clive Stanley
(118.72 KB)
16 - (Australia) Exploring trade-offs in experimental design of a 2-fishery integrated tag-recapture and catch model for estimating mortality rates and abundance.: Paige Eveson, Tom Polacheck and Geoff Laslett
(281.25 KB)
17 - (Australia) An evaluation of abundance estimates from tagging programs when tag returns are only available from one component of a multi-component fishery: an example based on the 1990’s southern bluefin tuna tagging program.: Tom Polacheck, Paige Ev
(510.61 KB)
18 - (Australia) A Proposal for Multi-lateral Co-ordination and Co-Operation in Electronic Tag Deployment under the CCSBT Scientific Research Programme.: T. Polacheck, J. Gunn and A. Hobday
(34.28 KB)
19 - (Australia) Aerial survey indices of abundance: comparison of estimates from line transect and “unit of spotting effort” survey approach.: Farley, J., Bestley, S. Campbell, S. and Hartmann, K.
(899.6 KB)
19 - (Australia) Aerial survey indices of abundance: comparison of estimates from line transect and “unit of spotting effort” survey approach.: Farley, J., Bestley, S. Campbell, S. and Hartmann, K. - APPENDIX
(313.22 KB)
20 - (Australia) Trends in catch, effort and nominal catch rates in the Japanese longline fishery for SBT – 2004 update.: Hartog, J., T. Polacheck and S. Cooper
(2.9 MB)
21 - (Australia) Fishery indicators for the SBT stock 2003/04.: T. Polacheck, D. Kolody, M. Basson, J. Gunn
(399.9 KB)
22 - (Australia) Further consideration of issues related to setting rebuilding objectives for southern bluefin tuna in the context of management procedures.: M. Basson and T. Polacheck
(70.57 KB)
24 - (Australia) Implications for management procedure evaluation: the mechanical update and further exploration of the operating model.: M. Basson, T. Polacheck, D. Kolody, A. Preece, J. Hartog
(133.94 KB)
25 - (Australia) Examples of management procedure behaviour changes in response to operating model updating.: D. Kolody, J. Hartog
(335.88 KB)
26 - (Australia) Preparation of Australia's Catch and Effort Data Submission to the CCSBT Stock Assessment Group and Management Procedure Workshop 2004.: Hobsbawn, P.I., Sahlqvist, P.C., McLoughlin, K.J.
(390.7 KB)
27 - (Australia) Data post-processing for input to the 2004 stock assessment and comparison of the 2001 and 2004 assessment datasets.: A. Preece, S. Cooper, J. Hartog
(127 KB)
28 - (Australia) The need for an aerial survey to provide a fishery independent index of recruitment for SBT.: A. Hobday, J. Gunn, T. Polacheck, M.V. Bravington
(49.73 KB)
29 - (Japan) Tuning of the D&M Management Procedure under the Panel’s Updated Operating Models.: Doug Butterworth and Mitsuyo Mori
(229.79 KB)
30 - (Japan) Observer Program Report.: T. Itoh, K. Miayuchi
(49.08 KB)
31 - (Japan) Preparation of Japanese catch/effort and size data and CPUE series for 2004 stock assessment and mechanical update of Operating Model.: S. Tsuji, N. Takahashi, M. Nagasaka, T. Itoh
(45.63 KB)
32 - (Japan) Update of ADAPT VPA and projection in 2004.: K. Hiramatsu, S. Tsuji
(357.73 KB)
33 - (Japan) Update of length-based VAP in 2004.: H. Kurota, N. Takahashi
(398.21 KB)
34 - (Japan) Summary of fisheries indicators in 2004.: S. Tsuji, T. Itoh, N. Takahashi
(113.47 KB)
35 - (Japan) Consideration on alternative Management Objectives for the CCSBT.: S. Tsuji
(14.74 KB)
36 - (Japan) Review of the current CCSBT Tagging Program and potential improvements.: N. Takahashi, S. Tsuji, H. Kurota
(226.88 KB)
36 - (Japan) Review of the current CCSBT Tagging Program and potential improvements.: N. Takahashi, S. Tsuji, H. Kurota - ADDENDUM
(9.83 KB)
37 - (Japan) Report of 2003/2004 results and proposal for 2004/2005 activities on CCSBT tagging by Japan.: T. Itoh, N. Takahashi, S. Tsuji
(45.17 KB)
38 - (Japan) Report of 2003/2004 activities using the Research Mortality Allowance (RMA) and application for 2004/2005 RMA.: H. Taguchi
(13.98 KB)
39 - (Japan) Results of SBT spawning area surveys.: T. Itoh, H. Kurota, A. Hirai
(40.48 KB)
40 - (Japan) Draft proposal of Recruitment Monitoring Program Review Workshop.; S. Tsuji, J. Gunn
(86.48 KB)
41 - (Secretariat) Record of discussion leading to a change in decision on data to be used in the 2004 Assessment
(58.8 KB)
42 - (Advisory Panel) Report from Panel Meeting Held at NOAA Alaska Fisheries Laboratory, Seattle, 20-23 July 2004 (to be prepared by Panel)
(1.94 MB)
43 - (Japan) Attempt for multiple imputation of SBT-CPUE using new statistical method.: Hiroshi SHONO
(327.31 KB)
44 - (Japan) Behaviors of the HK5 management procedure under the updated operating models.: Hiroyuki KUROTA
(319.16 KB)
45 - (Japan) Proposed procedure of selecting agreeable Management Procedure and results of feasibility experiment.: S.Tsuji, T.Kouya, K.Miyauchi
(17.94 KB)
46 - (Australia) Report on Australia’s SRP Tagging Activities in 2003/2004 and Plans for 2004/2005.: Tom Polacheck, John Gunn, Thor Carter and Jay Hender
(48.95 KB)
47 - (Taiwan) A short report on the collection and reading of otoliths collected from Taiwanese longline vessels.: Jen-Chieh Shiao and Wann-Nian Tzeng
(47.2 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia's 2002-03 Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishing Season.: Hobsbawn, P.I., Findlay, J.D., McLoughlin, K.J. and Curran, D.
(344.7 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2003.: Itoh, T. and Miyauchi, K.
(1.54 MB)
SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwanese SBT Fishery of 2002/2003
(674.17 KB)
SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - The New Zealand Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishery in 2003.: Kendrick. T. and Murray, T.
(69.6 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Korea) - Korean SBT Longline Fishery.: Moon, D., Koh, J. and Kim, S.
(398.9 KB)
INFO 01 - (Secretariat) CCSBT Report to ICCAT (to be prepared at SC9)
(43.22 KB)
INFO 02 - (Australia) An approach for assessing the compatibility between a stock assessment and fishery independent indices of juvenile abundance.: M. Bravington, W.N. Venables, P. Toscas
(118.93 KB)
INFO 03 - (Australia) Extracts from SESAME: a simulation-estimation stock assessment model evaluation project focused on large pelagic species.: Kolody, D.S., P.C. Jumppanen, D.G.Ricard, J.R. Hartog, A.L. Preece, T. Polacheck.
(547.02 KB)
INFO 06 - (Japan) Cruise proposal for the 2004/2005 SBT Acoustic Monitoring Survey of the Recruitment Monitoring Program.: NRIFSF, JFA.
(107.41 KB)