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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
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Commission for the Conservation of
Southern Bluefin Tuna
Documents From Past Meetings
CCSBT 15 (2008) - ESC of SC 13 (and SAG 9)
CCSBT 15 (2008) - ESC of SC 13 (and SAG 9)
About the Commission
Origins of the Convention
The Commission's Role
Basic Documents
Becoming a Member of the CCSBT
About Southern Bluefin Tuna
Conservation and Management
Total Allowable Catch
Management Procedure
Monitoring, Control and Surveillance
Bycatch Mitigation
Operational Resolutions and other Important Documents
Vessels, Farms, and Ports
Designated Ports and Contacts
CCSBT authorised vessels
CCSBT authorised farms
CCSBT active vessels
IUU Vessel lists
Stock Assessment and Science
Latest Stock Assessment
Scientific Process
Ecologically Related Species
SBT Data
Data Submission Requirements
Meeting Schedule
Reports of Past Meetings
Documents From Past Meetings
Attendance by Observers
Annual Reporting & Documentation Requirements
01 - Draft Agenda of the 9th SAG and 5th MPWS
(40 KB)
02 - List of Participants of the 9th SAG and 5th MPWS
(24.66 KB)
03 - Draft Agenda of the ESC for the 13th SC
(45.5 KB)
04 - List of Participants of the 13th SC and ESC
(25.12 KB)
05 - List of Documents - The ESC for the 13th SC and 9th SAG / 5th MPWS
(47 KB)
06 - (Secretariat) Secretariat Review of Catches (ESC agenda item 4.2)
(73.09 KB)
07 - (Secretariat) Surface Fishery Tagging Program (ESC agenda item 13.4)
(824.11 KB)
08 - (Secretariat) Data Exchange (ESC agenda item 15.1)
(78.6 KB)
09 - (CPUE Modelling Group) The development of new agreed CPUE series for use in future MP work. Itoh, T., Lawrence, E. and Pope, J.G.
(594.11 KB)
10 - (New Zealand) Scientific evaluation of a catch balancing scheme
(24.05 KB)
11 - (Australia) Preparation of Australia’s southern bluefin tuna catch and effort data submission for 2008. Hobsbawn, P.I., and Sahlqvist, P.
(2.73 MB)
12 - (Australia) Assessing the accuracy and precision of stereo-video and sonar length measurements of southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii). Phillips, K., et. al.
(1.5 MB)
13 - (Australia) Report on the potential and feasibility of genetic tagging of SBT. Davies, C., Moore, A., Grewe, P., and Bradford, R.
(56.39 KB)
14 - (Australia/New Zealand) Using passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology to improve performance of CCSBT’s conventional tagging program. Harley, S., Bradford, R., and Davies, C.
(333.29 KB)
15 - (Australia) Report on the potential of spawning ground surveys. Phillips, K., and Begg, G.
(1.09 MB)
17 - (Australia) Estimating Australia’s Recreational Catch of Southern Bluefin Tuna. Rowsell, M., Moore, A., and Sahlqvist, P., and Begg, G.
(596.7 KB)
18 - (Australia) The catch of SBT by the Indonesian longline fishery operating out of Benoa, Bali in 2007. Prisantoso, B.I., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C.
(136.59 KB)
19 - (Australia) Choice, use and reliability of historic CPUE. Davies, C., Lawrence, E., Basson, M., , and Preece, A.
(74.21 KB)
20 - (Australia) A summary of progress with a trial observer program for Indonesia’s tuna longline fishery in the Indian Ocean. Sadiyah, L., Andamari, R., Prisantoso, B.I., Proctor, C., and Retnowati, D.
(264.72 KB)
21 - (Australia) Estimates of reporting rate from the Australian surface fishery based on previous tag seeding experiments and tag seeding activities in 2007/2008. Hearn, B., Polacheck, T., and Stanley, S.
(287.96 KB)
22 - (Australia) Analyses of tag return data from the CCSBT SRP tagging program - 2008. Eveson, P., and Polacheck, T.
(919.78 KB)
23 - (Australia) Update on the Global Spatial dynamics Archival Tagging project – 2008. Polacheck, T., Chang, K.S., Hobday, A., West, G., Eveson, P., and Chung, K.N.
(64.07 KB)
24 - (Australia) The aerial survey index of abundance: updated analysis methods and results. Eveson, P., Bravington, M., and Farley, J.
(358.85 KB)
25 - (Australia) Commercial spotting in the Australian surface fishery, updated to include the 2007/8 fishing season. Farley, J., and Basson, M.
(731.01 KB)
26 - (Australia) An update on Australian otolith collection activities, direct ageing and length-at-age in the Australian surface fishery. Farley, J., and Clear, N.
(134.31 KB)
29 - (Australia) Update on SBT close-kin abundance estimation, 2008. Bravington, M., and Grewe, P.
(52.72 KB)
27 - (Australia) Update on the length and age distribution of SBT in the Indonesian longline catch. Farley, J., Andamari, R., and Proctor, C.
(255.38 KB)
30 - (Australia) The potential use of indicators as a basis for management advice in the short term. Basson, M., and Davies, C.
(162.15 KB)
31 - (Australia) Proposed use of CCSBT Research Mortality Allowance to facilitate electronic tagging of adult SBT as part of Australia’s contributions to the CCSBT SRP in 2008/09. Evans, K., and Davies, C.
(28.46 KB)
32 - (Japan) Report of Japanese scientific observer activities for southern bluefin tuna fishery in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI, Tomoyuki ITOH, Shingo Fukui and Toshiyuki TANABE
(375.77 KB)
33 - (Japan) Activities of otolith collection and age estimation and analysis of the age data by Japan in 2007. Tomoyuki ITOH, Akio HIRAI and Kenichiro OMOTE
(122.28 KB)
34 - (Japan) Report of activities for conventional and archival tagging and recapture of southern bluefin tuna by Japan in 2007/2008. Osamu SAKAI and Tomoyuki ITOH
(198.73 KB)
35 - (Japan) Further examinations of the SBT operating model under overcatch scenarios to select critical uncertainty factors for the update. Hiroyuki Kurota and Doug S Butterworth
(3.74 MB)
36 - (Japan) Summary of Fisheries Indicators in 2008. Norio TAKAHASHI and Tomoyuki ITOH
(232.52 KB)
37 - (Japan) Change in operation pattern of Japanese SBT longliners in 2007 resulting the enforce of the individual quota system. Tomoyuki ITOH
(206.26 KB)
38 - (Japan) Comparison between observer data and data reported by fishermen. Osamu SAKAI and Tomoyuki ITOH
(1.93 MB)
39 - (Japan) Analysis on age compositions of southern bluefin tuna used for farming. Tomoyuki ITOH, Hiroshi SHONO and Takaaki SAKAMOTO
(191.74 KB)
40 - (Japan) Report of the time lag of southern bluefin tuna caught by Japanese longline between catch and sold at market. Tomoyuki ITOH, Osamu SAKAI and Hirohide MATSUSHIMA
(142.73 KB)
41 - (Japan) Report of the piston-line trolling survey in 2007/2008. Tomoyuki ITOH and Osamu SAKAI
(277.66 KB)
42 - (Japan) Interannual variation in habitat use by juvenile Southern Bluefin Tuna in southern Western Australia during the summers of 2005 – 2007: implication for recruitment index estimates. K. Fujioka, et. al.
(1.21 MB)
43 - (Japan) Proposal for the recruitment monitoring survey in 2008/2009. Tomoyuki ITOH
(91.96 KB)
44 - (Japan) Preliminary report on migration paths of juvenile southern bluefin tuna determined by acoustic tagging in Western Australia 2007 - 08. Hobday, Alistair J., Kawabe, Ryo., Takao, Yoshimi, Miyashita, Kazushi, and Itoh, Tomoyuki
(600.1 KB)
45 - (Japan) Report of the 2007/2008 RMA utilization and application for the 2008/2009 RMA. Fisheries Agency of Japan
(65.86 KB)
46 - (Japan) Advance technique for measuring the length of fish during transfer by the acoustic camera (DIDSON) system. Naoto Honda, Koji Shibata, Takurou Hotta, Akira Asada
(839.25 KB)
SBT Fisheries (New Zealand) - Annual Review of National SBT Fisheries for the Scientific Committee
(1.16 MB)
SBT Fisheries (Australia) - Australia’s 2006-07 Southern Bluefin Tuna Fishing Season. Hobsbawn, P.I., Phillips, K., and Begg, G.
(1.08 MB)
SBT Fisheries (Japan) - Review of Japanese SBT Fisheries in 2007. Osamu SAKAI, Tomoyuki ITOH and Shingo Fukui
(3.77 MB)
SBT Fisheries (Korea) - Review of Korean SBT Fishery of 2006/2007. Doo-Hae An, Seon-Jae Hwang, Dae-Yeon Moon, Soon-Song Kim, Kyu-Jin Seok
(520.67 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Taiwan) - Review of Taiwanese SBT Fishery of 2006/2007
(786.28 KB)
SBT Fisheries (Indonesia) - Review of Indonesian SBT Fishery
(30 KB)
INFO 01 - (Australia) A preliminary evaluation of Indonesia’s Indian Ocean tuna and bycatch longline fisheries, based on historical and newly established sources of CPUE information: a project overview. Sadiyah, L., Proctor, C., and Dowling, N.
(744.51 KB)
INFO 02 - (Australia) Correction factors derived from acoustic tag data for a juvenile southern bluefin tuna abundance index in southern Western Australia. Hobday, A.J., Kawabe, R., Takao, Y., Miyashita, K., and Itoh, I.
(462.23 KB)